Miles Away - Brainwashed 7"
A little bit emo, a little bit punk!
Another band I've always liked were Me First and The Gimme Gimmes. They're records are always fun to listen to and it's always great to add one to the collection. Plus it's even better if it's colored. I sure hope I can catch them live one of these days.
pop is the new black
Morrissey and the sounds
I also got the Painted by Numbers 7" by The Sounds. I've known this band for years and I've always enjoyed their pop songs so it's cool to finally have this on wax.
Punk Rock pt.2
I still <3 punk rock
And together with this cool GR record came the new Lagwagon one. Since I picked up Joey Cape's solo Record I figured I'd pick up the new Lagwagon record too. For me they've always been this cool punk rock band that I used to listen to but never really got 100% into them. I mean I know more or less all their records but I can't say I really have a favourite song. They're all just cool to listen to and I've been enjoying more and more the latter Lagwagon records than their first. Too bad this one isn't colored as well but it's still cool.
Thanks for reading.